Welcome to the MCCP

The Management Culture and Communication Program is an experience designed to help both international and domestic students acclimate to management culture and communications.  All incoming students in the Early Career and Career Change MBA program are strongly encouraged to participate, incoming international students are required to complete the program. 

The MCCP exposes candidates to business culture in the United States while also providing insights into what to expect in the Willamette University MBA classroom.  In the 4-day program, participants will engage in team-building activities, take part in a sample class, explore case analysis strategies, learn expectations for research and writing with integrity, and visit local companies. The program is facilitated by Willamette University MBA administration, faculty, and staff. 

At the close of each day, volunteers will be on hand to help you get settled into the area; activities will be based on the needs of the group and may include trips to grocery stores and malls, local banking, DMV, and recreation sites.

Parking throughout the week will be available in the Atkinson Graduate School of Management (Seeley G. Mudd Building) parking lot.

Questions? Please contact Career Management mbacareer@willamette.edu or 503-370-6167.

MCCP Schedule

Move the calendar to August for the latest schedule of events. Or click here for a printer-friendly download.

What to Wear

Click here for a printer-friendly version

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Casual

Casual attire is what students usually wear to school on an average day and what employers might wear on ‘Casual Friday’ to work. Jeans, t-shirts, jackets, sweaters, casual dresses and slacks are appropriate as are tennis shoes or sandals. Casual attire does NOT include yoga pants, sweatpants, or pajamas.

Thursday: Business Professional

Business Professional attire is expected on Thursday of MCCP. This is also the appropriate attire for company treks and most career events.  Keep in mind that business professional attire is a step up from casual and a step below business formal. Slacks, skirts, dresses, button up shirts, and/or blazers are appropriate as are brighter colors. Nylons, ties and matching suits are not required.  No jeans, leggings, athletic attire, or tennis shoes.

Willamette University

Early Career and Career Change MBA

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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