Welcome to Compass Week 2015

Compass Week is the first week of school. All incoming students to the Full-Time Early Career and Career Change MBA program participate.

Compass Week is an academic, professional, and social experience that introduces you to fellow classmates, alumni, faculty, and staff, as well as introduces programs and procedures to help you succeed in the Atkinson Graduate School of Management. This week includes a professional meeting with your PACE team and client, as well as a team-building retreat off campus.

Important Note:

While Compass Week officially begins on Tuesday, August 18 at 4:00pm and concludes on Friday, August 21 at 2:30pm, there are several recommended activities available for Early Arrivals on Monday and Tuesday. Download a PDF copy of the detailed Compass Week Schedule to see description and details of these activities.

Compass Week Overview  August 18-21, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015  Dress is Casual



Compass Week Begins

Welcome and Overview of 
Compass Week

Get to Know Your Fellow MBAs

The Willamette MBA:
Rotating Table Discussions

Willamette Heritage Center,
Spinning Room
1313 Mill St. SE 
Salem, Oregon

Park: Willamette Heritage Center




Dine Around Town
Sign up at the registration table for dinner this evening with your fellow classmates at a local downtown Salem restaurant. 
We will have reservations at La Margarita, Marco Polo, and the Ram. Groups will walk over together. 
Each student is responsible for the cost of their own meal.

PLAN AHEAD: Bring money for Dine around Town, if you wish to participate.
No need to bring anything else — just yourself ready to have fun!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015  Dress is Athletic



PACE: Your Team, TA and Project

Teamwork and Communication Workshop with Professor Sukhsimran Singh, Lecturer in Law and Interim Director, Center for Dispute Resolution, Director, LL.M. in Dispute Resolution

Honor Code with Professor Lisbeth Claus, Professor of Global Human Resources 

Montag Center — The Den

Park: Mudd Building Lot





Walk to Atkinson Annex and Board Buses

Arrive at YWAM (Youth With a Mission)

Team-Building Exercise

Board Buses in front of
Atkinson Annex


Board Buses and Return to 
Willamette University


AGSM Community & Family BBQ Dinner

Mudd Building, Patio and Lawn

Park: Mudd Building Lot



PLAN AHEAD: Bring your nametag/lanyard and your Compass Week Guide. 
Bring a water bottle. All Meals Provided.
Remember to invite your family to the AGSM Community BBQ Dinner.

Thursday, August 20, 2015  Dress is Business Formal


Second-year Student Perspectives

Professional Individual Photos

Welcome from Dean Debra Ringold, President Stephen Thorsett and Chaplains Karen Wood and Gary Ellison

Willamette MBA Experience & Expectations

Montag Center  The Den

Park: Mudd Building Lot


Faculty and Staff Introductions

Lunch with your Faculty Advisor


Walk to Atkinson Annex and
Board Buses to Willamette Valley Vineyards

Networking Workshop

Meeting with PACE Client

Networking Reception and Professional PACE Team Photographs

Board Buses in front of
Atkinson Annex

Willamette Valley Vineyards
8800 Enchanted Way SE
Turner, Oregon


Board Buses and Return to Willamette University



PLAN AHEAD: Bring your nametag/lanyard and your Compass Week Guide.
Bring your ID with proof of age, if you would like to enjoy a glass of wine.

Friday, August 22, 2014 - Dress is Business Casual



Breakfast with your Peer Career Advisor (PCA)

PCA Job Function Presentations and 
Rotation Table Discussion

Willamette Heritage Center, 
Spinning Room
1313 Mill St. SE 
Salem, Oregon

Park: Willamette Heritage Center or Mudd Building Lot


Walk to Mudd Building

Mudd Building

Park: Mudd Building Lot


Lunch with Student Associations


Introduction to Professional Communication with Jessica Ordonez,
Contributing Assistant Professor, Management Writing

Resume and Cover Letter Workshops

Mudd Building
Room 201, 204 and 304

Park: Mudd Building Lot


Compass Week Concludes*

Schedule details may be subject to change.

Definitions of Dress

Business Formal: Business formal attire typically means a business suit  matching jacket and pants/skirt  for both men and women. Additionally for men, a tie, button-down shirt, and dress shoes. Additionally for women, a button-down shirt/shell/blouse, with clear or solid-color nylons and close-toed shoes.

Business Casual: Business casual attire typically means men and women can leave the jacket, tie and nylons at home. Men can wear polo or golf shirts and slacks. Women can wear slacks/skirt/dress and a professional shirt/blouse/shell/sweater. Everyone should avoid sweat suits, jeans, t-shirts, tennis shoes and flip-flops.

Athletic Wear: Sports clothing (no jeans) with tennis shoes and comfortable, loose clothing for physical activity (to your level of comfort).

Questions? Please contact your Compass Week Coordinators, Maralynn Maltz (mmaltz@willamette.edu) and Curtis Everetts (ceverett@willamette.edu).
Willamette University

Early Career and Career Change MBA

Salem Campus

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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