Requirements for the Sociology Major (37 semester hours)
Core Courses (12-13 semester Hours)
One introductory course (4), chosen from among:
- SOC 182 Racism and White Supremacy in the U.S. (4)
- SOC 184 Global Sociology (4)
- SOC 186 Navigating Social Worlds (4)
- SOC 188 Can Activists Change the World? (4)
- SOC 199 Topics in Sociology (4)
One theory course (4), chosen from among:
- AES 330 Theory and Methods in American Ethnic Studies (4)
- SOC 303 Sociological Theory (4)
- WGS 353W Feminist Theory (4)
One Applied or Community-Based Elective (4-5), chosen from among:
- SOC 321 Climate Justice Workshop (4)
- SOC 364 Transnational Feminism (4)
- SOC 388W Internship in Sociology (5)
- SOC 399 Topics in Sociology (4) (topic dependent)
Electives (20 semester hours)
Courses may be chosen from any with a SOC prefix or from the following list of approved courses originating outside of Sociology. No more than 8 credits may be at the 100 level. No more than 8 credits may have prefixes other than SOC:
- AES 330 Methods and Theory of American Ethnic Studies (4)
- CCM 261 Media, Technology, Society (4)
- CCM 310 Asian Social Media (4)
- CCM 335W Communicating Self and Society (4)
- ENG 101W Reading Literature and Culture (topic dependent) (4)
- ENG 381 Latinx Literature and Culture
- FREN 275 African Cinema (4)
- FREN 285W Gender and Sexuality in African Literature and Cinema (4)
- HIST 262 Gender and Women's History in the United States (4)
- IDS 205 Chemawa Indian School Partnership (2)
- PPLE 318 Death in America (4)
- PPLE 338 Reforming Criminal Justice (4)
- WGS 245 Feminism, Gender, and Society (4)
- WGS 353W Feminist Theory (4)
- LW 223 Introduction to Environmental & Natural Resource Law (3)
- LW 226 Environmental Justice (3)
- LW 350 Immigration Law (3)
Senior Experience (5 semester hours)
- SOC 402W Qualitative Methods of Social Research (4)
- SOC 492 Career Lab & Sociology Senior Portfolio (1)
Requirements for the Sociology Minor (20-21 semester hours)
- One Introductory course, chosen from list under Major requirements, above;
- One Applied or Community-Based elective (4–5), chosen from options under Major requirements, above;
- Twelve semester hours of electives (12), chosen from options under Major requirements, above. No more than 8 credits may be at the 100 level. No more than 4 credits may have prefixes other than SOC.