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LeaderShape Jump Start Program

2025 Schedule
  • Move-in: Dates TBD
  • Jump Start: Dates TBD

Willamette University is proud to partner with LeaderShape to bring a dynamic pre-orientation program to new students on the Salem campus. This program is focused on learning to develop your own authentic path, connect to groups and causes you care about, and commit to a plan to be a catalyst for yourself and the groups you’re part of. Begin before the beginning and start something extraordinary!

Opening Days leaders at Willamette University

Program Information

You’ll consider powerful questions that move you towards action: Who do I want to be? How can I connect with others? What path might I take for a fulfilling future?

In small-group dialogue, large group interaction, and personal reflection, you’ll learn alongside others who also want to Jump Start their leadership.

Willamette University

Opening Days

  • Salem Campus


    Office of Student Engagement and Leadership
    Putnam University Center, Second Floor
    900 State Street
    Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.