Fall 2018 Student Travel Schedule

September 15-16

All Day Both Days
Debate Retreat, Silverton Oregon: Canyon View Camp

October 5

All day
Oregon State Penitentiary Debate Tournament, Oregon State Penitentiary, Salem, Oregon

Limited to 4 - 7 people. WU students will debate against students from other universities and Inmates of the OSP. The debates take place inside the penitentiary

October 13-14

All day both days
Lewis & Clark College Tournament, Portland

All WU debaters in good standing in WUDU are eligible to compete or to judge

October 19-20

Jerry Hudson Debate and Speech Tournament, Willamette University

Willamette hosts approximately 500 high school tournaments to a large and competitive tournament on our campus.

November 17-18

All day, both days
Linfield College, McMinnville, OR

All WU debaters in good standing in WUDU are eligible to compete or to judge

December 1-2

All day both days
Seattle University, Seattle University, Seattle Washington

We are prepared to enter as many students who have completed all assigned work as our budget will allow.

Willamette University

Debate Union

900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.
Ruth Feingold

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