1. Cap & Gown
  2. Ceremony Length
  3. Flowers
  4. Food & Beverage
  5. Live-stream
  6. Parking
  7. Photos
  8. Seating
  9. Tickets
  10. Prohibited Items

1. Cap & Gown

If you missed Senior Salute, your cap, gown, stole and tassel are available for pick up at the Willamette Store during business hours.

2. Ceremony Length

If you are making dinner or airplane reservations, please remember that the ceremony lasts approximately 2½ hours. In addition, it can take more time than expected for graduates, family members and friends to reunite and exit campus.

3. Flowers

The Willamette Store, located on the first floor of the University Center, sells flowers on graduation day, including leis and roses.

4. Food & Beverage

  • Bon Appetit caters an elegant and popular brunch available in Goudy Commons from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. for students and their parents.
  • The Bistro offers coffee and small snacks from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • The Willamette Store is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

5. Live-stream

For family and friends of graduates who are not able to travel to Salem for the commencement ceremony, a live stream of the event will be available. The broadcast will be posted to the College of Arts & Sciences Commencement page and will begin at approximately 1:25 p.m. (PDT).

6. Parking

All Willamette University parking lots are open and available for guests attending Commencement ceremonies except the Visitors Parking Lot (corner of Bellevue and Winter streets), which is reserved for handicapped parking. Guests should also not park in permanent reserved spaces, marked with green signs at the specific parking spaces. Street parking is available free of charge around the perimeter of Willamette University and the State Capitol.

[View parking information]

7. Photos

During Commencement, we ask that family members do not approach the stage to take pictures. The University has contracted with professional photographers from GradImages to take photos of all graduates. These photos capture the moment graduates shake hands with President Thorsett and receive their diploma, along with portrait shots of the graduates as they exit the stage.

GradImages will contact you about your proofs after the ceremony through your school email address. You may pre-register to receive discounts on your pictures here: Willamette Photos

To contact GradImages or learn more about their service, please call (800) 261-2576 or visit the GradImages website.

8. Seating

Willamette University allows reserved seating one hour prior to any ceremony. One person must remain with their reserved seats at all times.

Seating Area

9. Tickets

Tickets are not needed for the ceremonies and students are not limited in the number of guests they may bring.

10. Prohibited Items

Commencement is a special event for all involved. Please show respect for everyone who has come to share in the experience. Individuals who engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior will be removed from the event.

The following items are prohibited:

  • Alcohol. Anyone intoxicated or perceived to be intoxicated will be removed from the event.
  • Fireworks
  • Weapons of any kind
  • Large banners, posters, signs or flags on poles
  • Artificial noisemakers
  • Bullhorns or other sound amplification devices
  • Tobacco, cannabis or other smoking products
  • Laser pointers or devices
  • Drones

Willamette University


900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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