Trusts and Estates Clinic

Students enrolled in the Trusts and Estates Clinic represent clients who need non-tax estate planning. Most clinic clients, whether single or married, have children who are too young to manage property themselves. Other clients have adult children, are childless, or are terminally ill or elderly.

Students in the Trusts and Estates Clinic may prepare client letters, wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, life insurance and retirement plan beneficiary forms, advance medical directives, and other estate planning documents. Students gain experience in interviewing and counseling clients, gathering information about property ownership, drafting documents, and assisting clients in executing them.

For more information on all of our Clinical Law Program offerings, please view our main page.

Clinical Law Program

Susan Cook

Professor Susan Cook has taught Elder Law and the Trust and Estates Clinic at Willamette University College of Law since 2000. She received her law degree from Willamette University.

Willamette University

Clinical Law Program

Oregon Civic Justice Center
Willamette University
790 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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