Willamette University Named a College of Distinction for 2022

Contact: Marketing and Communications

Colleges of Distinction recognized Willamette for its student engagement, excellent teaching, community vibrancy, and successful alumni outcomes.

Willamette University has been named a college of distinction for its commitment to engaged, hands-on education. Colleges of Distinction recognized Willamette for its student engagement, excellent teaching, community vibrancy, and successful alumni outcomes. Willamette was one of eight Oregon colleges recognized.

“Willamette’s motto, ‘Not unto ourselves alone are we born’ is taught to new students on the first day of orientation and resides at the heart of everything Willamette does, so it’s not surprising that Willamette received this award,” said Sue Corner, Dean of Admission. “The motto reminds students that they are connected to others, and they have a responsibility to use their education to lead and serve others. Time spent both in and out of the classroom at Willamette is intended to help students practice service and leadership in a way that will inspire them to lead lives of meaning and purpose.”

About Colleges of Distinction

Since 2000, Colleges of Distinction has been committed to honoring schools throughout the United States for true excellence in higher education. The member schools within the Colleges of Distinction consortium distinguish themselves through their dedicated focus on the undergraduate experience.

Willamette University

Marketing and Communications

Waller Hall, Fourth Floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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