Bon Appetit Welcomes a New Executive Chef at Goudy

Contact: Nicole Arreola-Canonica

We are pleased to announce Chef M. Palmer as our new Goudy Executive Chef. With a family long-rooted in the Pacific Northwest and its agriculture, Palmer grew up surrounded by local and seasonal food. He began helping to cook family meals by age 12, which quickly grew from a chore to a passion. Palmer's first culinary job as a teenager was in 1996 which led to him enrolling at Western Culinary Institute in 2003. Palmer has worked at top-ranked hotels, operated high-end kitchens on remote mountaintops for festivals like Summit Outside, and helped run the prestigious Google Catering program during their years of greatest growth while also earning the ranking of "Team of the Year" two years in a row out of nearly 60 teams.


As a Bon Appetit chef Palmer enjoys partnering directly with local farmers, trying the newest food innovations, promoting sustainability and reducing waste, and incorporating both exotic and heirloom ingredients. Palmer spent the last 6 years at Lewis and Clark College as the Executive Chef and officially began at Willamette September 4th. Please join us in welcoming Palmer to the Willamette Community.

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