Bon Appetit welcomes fellow Nina Abramson for the week

Contact: Nicole Arreola-Canonica

Zena, kids cooking class, and more.

This week Bon Appetit fellow Nina Abramson will be joining us here at Willamette! The Bon Appétit Fellows are recent college graduates who were sustainability champions on campuses that we serve. They join Bon Appétit as full-time employees for stints of one to two years to learn about what our vision of “food service for a sustainable future” truly means — and what goes into making it a reality. They then share that story with our guests in multiple ways and help to write the next chapter!

Nina will have quite a lively schedule with us. On Monday, Sept. 25, Nina will be Meeting with Zena + Farm Club in the afternoon. In the evening we will be hosting a Kids Cooking Class with Boys and Girls Club of Salem in Goudy! Tuesday, Sept. 26, from 11 a.m.–1:30 p.m., during our Eat Local Challenge lunch, Nina and Eric Thomas will have a table set up in Goudy Commons to help answer all questions that students, staff and faculty may have! That afternoon from 3:30–5 p.m., she is attending a Garden Party with Farm Club. Together they will be preparing plant-based grain bowls and wraps with students. On Wednesday, Sept. 27 from 12:30–2 p.m., Nina will be hosting a Spring Roll-Making class with Climate Action Alliance in Goudy.

Nina will also be assisting us in launching our reusable to-go container program! Did you know that many compostable disposables do not end up actually getting composted; waste haulers do not always accept them, or sometimes they are incorrectly sorted by guests. In addition to this, compostable products sent to a landfill release methane, which as a greenhouse gas is eighty times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Please visit us at any of the events mentioned to learn more about this amazing new program! Bon Appetit is extremely excited about this visit and the positive impact it will make to our environment!

We look forward to seeing you!

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