Improved event scheduling and management through Coursedog

Contact: Coursedog Events Project Team

We are pleased to introduce you to a Coursedog module to manage event scheduling: Coursedog Events, which will replace our current, outdated and unsupported, event management tool EMS.

We recently implemented Coursedog software to manage academic scheduling. We are pleased to introduce you to a Coursedog module to manage event scheduling: Coursedog Events, which will replace our current, outdated and unsupported, event management tool EMS. Our current target is to roll out Coursedog Events in September.

This tool will be accessible for use by all faculty, staff, and student club presidents that are currently able to use EMS. The tool is currently being configured for our team, and initial testing with a select group of users will soon be completed. We will offer a live training; a recording of that training will be available for all users. EMS will remain accessible in read-only mode for a period after the new system goes live, allowing users to access historical information you need before it is taken offline.

We will continue to share updates as we progress. Please reach out to us at to share any questions or concerns you may have.

Willamette University

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