Respiratory Viruses- Prevention of the "crud"

Contact: Lauren Carlson

Tips for preventing, cold, flu, COVID and other viruses

Welcome to (and back to) campus my fellow Sloths and Bearcats! As you settle in to your new routine, I wanted to send some helpful reminders and tips about respiratory viruses as we start the fall semester.

Respiratory viruses, like COVID-19, flu, RSV, and many more, are responsible for millions upon millions of illnesses, ranging from mild to in some less common instances, hospitalizations and even death. We can’t completely escape respiratory viruses, but we can take measure to protect ourselves and others!

Right now, respiratory viral illness levels causing people to seek healthcare in Oregon and more specifically, Marion County, are low. COVID-19 levels in wastewater is high, meaning that COVID-19 infection (symptomatic or asymptomatic) is prevalent.

Prevention is key! The best way to prevent infection is to protect yourself from germs and viruses. Wash your hands often! Soap and water are most effective, but sanitizing gel also works. Be sure to cover your coughs and sneezes. Stay home if you’re ill. Wearing a mask when ill can help interrupt transmission. Stay up to date with your flu and COVID vaccines, and take good care of yourself by getting adequate rest and staying well hydrated.

If you are sick…. Stay home and away from others until your symptoms are improving and you have been fever free for 24 hours. Once you return to normal activities, use precautions like masking and distancing for 5 days. If you have COVID, you may end these precautions if you have 2 consecutive negative rapid antigen tests (performed 48 hours apart).

Stay up to date with your vaccines. Vaccines are very effective in preventing serious illness and death. The closest locations to the Salem campus are Safeway and Salem Health. The closest locations to PNCA are Multnomah County Health Services Clinic (6th Ave.) and Rite Aid Pharmacy. Stay tuned for info on flu vaccines on the Salem and Portland campuses later in the fall.

Lastly, as a reminder, Bishop Wellness Center does not provide “notes” for absences from class. If you are ill and unable to attend class, please communicate with your professor to make up any missed work as your earliest convenience.

If your symptoms are severe or not improving with supportive care at home, or have a compromised immune system, please call Bishop Wellness Center at (503) 370-6062 for an appointment with health services. Bishop’s hours are Monday through Friday 8am to 4:30 pm. COVID and flu tests are available.

Related Link(s)

Image showing respiratory virus prevention strategies

Respiratory virus prevention strategies like immunizations, hygiene, taking steps for cleaner air, staying home to prevent spread, masking, distancing, and testing.

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