HEERF Emergency Grants for Students - PNCA

Congress has passed three different spending bills that authorize payments to institutions of higher education and their students to partially offset the financial impact of COVID-19. The following table summarizes the funds awarded to PNCA under each of these three programs:

Student Relief Institution Relief FIPSE Funds Totals
HEERF I: CARES Act 228,128 228,128 43,744 500,000
HEERF II: CRRSAA 228,128 551,354 0 779,482
HEERF III: ARPA 687,178 687,178 0 1,374,356
Totals $1,143,434 $1,466,660 $43,744 $2,653,838


Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) merged with Willamette University on June 30, 2021. All of the HEERF I & HEERF II funds had been spent by the time of the merger and were reported by June 30, 2021.

 Click here for HEERF grant disclosures for Willamette University.



The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was enacted on March 27, 2020. The Pacific Northwest College of Art received $228,128 to be awarded directly to students.

As of June 30, 2021, $228,128 of Emergency Grants were distributed to 109 students. 178 students were eligible for these grants.



The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) was enacted on December 27, 2020. Pacific Northwest College of Art received $228,128 to be distributed directly to students.

As of June 30, 2021, $228,128 in emergency grants were disbursed to 91 students from the Student portion of the grant. 170 students were eligible for these grants. 



The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was enacted on March 11, 2021 and included a third round of HEERF funding to institutions of higher education. Pacific Northwest College of Art received $687,178 to be distributed directly to students. 564 students were eligible for these grants.

As of September 30, 2022, $687,178 in emergency grants were disbursed to 130 students from the student portion of the grant.


Summary of Funds Awarded Directly to Students

This table summarizes the total funds disbursed to students through September 30, 2022 (note: Willamette University is reported separately. Click here for more information).

Student Relief institutional Relief Total Awarded to Students
HEERF I: CARES Act 228,128 29,000 257,128
HEERF II: CRRSAA 228,128 0 228,128
HEERF III: ARPA 687,178 0 687,178
Total $1,143,434 $29,000 $1,172,434


Applications for Student Aid

As of September 30, 2022, all HEERF funds have been fully spent and are no longer available. 

Instructions, directions, guidance and the application provided to students for the University’s ongoing Emergency Fund grant program are available online.


Institutional Aid Quarterly Reports

Quarterly Expenditure Report Institutional Expenditures FIPSE Expenditures Total Expenditures Reported
Quarter Ending 03/31/2021 $0 $0 $0
Quarter Ending 06/30/2021 551,354 0 551,354
Quarter Ending 09/30/2021 0 0 0
Quarter Ending 12/31/2021 0 0 0
Quarter Ending 03/31/2022 263,911 0 263,911
Quarter Ending 06/30/2022 0 0 0
Quarter Ending 09/30/2022 423,268 0 423,268
Total $1,238,533 $0 $1,238,533
Willamette University

Student Accounts

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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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