GlobalProtect VPN Setup Instructions: MacOS

GlobalProtect for Macintosh requires macOS 10.13 or later. It allows your device to connect to the Willamette virtual private network (VPN). The device for all intents and purposes while connected to the VPN operates as though it were physically on-campus and connected to the campus network. This allows you access to secured network resources like printing services and document sharing.

Only connect to the Willamette VPN when you have complete security and control over your device.

Do not allow others to use your device while connected to the Willamette VPN.

You will need to use an account with administrator rights to install the client.  If using a check-out or departmentally owned laptop please be sure the client is installed prior to leaving campus.


Connection Details


Username: your Willamette username

Password: your Willamette password


Macintosh Configuration

Using any web browser, go to and login with your Willamette network credentials.

You may see a warning message requiring a Client Certificate or Authentication  If you do, click Continue on the former and Always allow on the latter.

On the next screen, login using your Willamette network credentials.

If prompted, you can choose to save your password or not.

Click the link to download the Mac 32/64 GlobalProtect agent. It will go to your Downloads folder, or whatever location you have set for your browser downloads.

Navigate to your downloads and run the file named GlobalProtect.pkg. Due to default Macintosh security protocols, it probably will not open by double-clicking. Use control+click and then choose Open.  A security warning may appear preventing you from installing the application.  If that happens, click OK and try again using control+click as mentioned above.  If the first attempt to run the installer fails, repeat the control+click step, but choose Open With > (default).

On the Introduction screen, click Continue.

On the Destination Select screen, click Install for all users of this computer and then click Continue. The first click will light up the Continue button.

On the Installation type screen, GlobalProtect should be selected. Uninstall GlobalProtect is not selected. If you need to uninstall later, you can repeat the process and then select the uninstall option. Click Continue.

You’ll stay on the Installation type screen. Click Install.

You will be prompted to enter your Macintosh login credentials. Enter them and then click Install Software.

GlobalProtect Client Setup

You’ll be directed to the GlobalProtect screen. In the Portal text box, enter: and then click the red close button to dismiss that screen.

Click Close to dismiss the Installation was successful screen and then close or minimize your browser window, if it is still visible.

The GlobalProtect icon will now be in your Finder menu bar. It stays there whether or not Global Protect has activated a VPN connection.  The icon appears on the right side of the Finder menu bar.  Click it to display the menu and then choose Connect.

You will be prompted for your Willamette network credentials. Enter them and then click Connect.

Once you are connected, you can work as though you were on campus. For example, you will be able to map departmental groupfiles networks shares, which are not available without a VPN connection.

To disconnect, choose the GlobalProtect icon and then choose Disconnect.





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