Hogue-Sponenburgh Lecture Series

The Hogue-Sponenburgh Art Lectureship, established and endowed by the late Janeth Hogue-Sponenburgh and Mark Sponenburgh, enables the Willamette University Departments of Art and Art History to bring a noted scholar, artist, critic, curator, or leader in the visual arts to campus each year to deliver a public lecture and to meet informally with students and faculty.

The Sponenburghs were also the generous donors of a collection of more than 200 historical art objects representing five cultural areas worldwide, which the University received in 1990. The donation of this collection was instrumental in forming a foundation for the establishment of Willamette's Hallie Ford Museum of Art, which opened in the fall of 1998. Beginning in 2011, the annual Hogue-Sponenburgh Art Lectureship will be organized in alternate years by the Department of Art and the Department of Art History.

Garrard Conley
Upcoming Lecture

Hogue-Sponenburgh Lecture: Conversation with Garrard Conley (Author of "Boy Erased")

Faith and Identity in Art, Literature and Cinema


Garrard Conley Lecture
Willamette University

Art History

Ford Hall
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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