Our graduates have taken up an impressive variety of occupations, from Oregon Supreme Court justice to software engineer, US diplomat to NPR reporter, specialty coffee roaster to medical doctor, business consultant to community organizer. They have earned, or are currently earning, advanced degrees in medicine, education, law, linguistics, religion, fine arts, physics, business, political science, and, of course, philosophy. Few disciplines can boast of contributing to such varied pursuits.

Philosophy majors not only weigh diverse career options, they enjoy significant advantages once they choose a career. As a group, philosophy majors earn entrance to medical school at a higher rate than all other majors, including chemistry and biology; score at or near the top on admissions tests like the LSAT and GMAT; gain employment on completion of their undergraduate degree at higher than average rates; and, more generally, enjoy a well-earned reputation for clear and rigorous thinking. While the best reason to major in philosophy is that it interests you, philosophy turns out to be a smart career move, too.

more on the practical advantages of a philosophy major

Willamette University


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Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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