Students who entered the University prior to Fall 2018 may complete the Politics (POLI) major as described in the catalog of the entering year (e.g. 2016-2017, 2017-2018), or may choose to complete the Politics, Policy, Law and Ethics (PPLE) major. Those choosing to complete the PPLE major must first consult the PPLE department chair.
Students who entered the University in Fall 2018 or later will complete the Politics, Policy, Law and Ethics (PPLE) major. Note: Fall 2018 Politics classes affected by this change will reflect on degree audits the appropriate PPLE requirements in spite of course prefix (POLI instead of PPLE on applicable courses).
Politics courses are designed to give students opportunities to develop both theoretical and practical understandings of the political world. Students are encouraged to develop analytic and evaluative skills that will enable them to investigate, understand, and explain political phenomena. The Politics curriculum also aims to foster informed and active participation in the political process.