Lift Up! 6 week Series

Contact: Quinn Nottage

An inclusive body-positive space for people who are often marginalized in conventional fitness settings.

Campus Recreation, Gender Resource and Advocacy Center and Residence Hall Association are proud to sponsor Lift Up! 6-week Work Out series with Cara Turnquist. She will be leading group workouts on Saturday afternoons from 1pm-2pm where each week they will be leading lifting sessions and teaching how to do each lift. Then from 2pm-3pm, Cara will be on sight to provide insight about how to improve the workouts, advance the lifts or even just ask more questions about the space, her work and how you can be more involved! Sign ups will be posted on the Campus rec Instagram page (willametteucampusrec) and linktree. QR codes will also be posted for sign ups at the front desk of the Sparks Fitness Center and the GRAC. Spots are limited!

An inclusive body-positive space for people who are often marginalized in conventional fitness settings: people who are uncomfortable in the gym, queer or transgender, big-bodied and fat-identified, and/or disabled.

Saturdays and Sundays from 4-6 pm

These are semi-private hours within Sparks Fitness Center, Sparks Pool, and other spaces within Sparks Center for students.

Announcements on September 24, 2024

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