Google Forms
Designed for current students, faculty and staff.
Current Willamette ID
Form creators will adhere to Willamette University policies including but not limited to:
- Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources
- FERPA,Sexual Misconduct Policy and Protocol and any other policies covered in required employee training
- Student Rights & Responsibilities and Standards of Conduct
Ownership Roles
- All Google forms* must have at least three administrators
- Two of the administrators must be WU employees and be the owner of the form(s)
- The third administrators must be from the Office of Web Applications and granted admin/editor privileges to the form
- This role will act in a passive manner and act only upon request
- Exception: forms that include a “file upload” feature. File uploads do not work in shared Drives, therefore the form will need one primary administrator. File uploads will have to be saved in the primary administrators personal Google Drive.
- The intake form itself and upload folder for the uploaded form assets should be shared with the other two administrators.
- Assignment of form ownership must follow privacy and security guidelines, restrictions may apply to students or alumni.
Getting started with Google Forms
- How to use Google Forms
- Get started with Google Forms
- Get started with Google Forms Quizzes
- Google Forms cheat sheet
- Google Forms training and help
- Accessibility Best Practices When Creating Google Forms
- How to set up email notifications for Google Forms
- How to restrict a Google Form to Willamette University users
Getting Help
Please submit a service request in JIRA.