Remember "SILVER" to support someone who discloses sexual harassment or violence



Inform survivors as soon as possible that you will do what you can to respect their privacy, but if you are a Willamette University employee, let them know that you cannot ensure complete confidentiality.

  • Confidential responders include the staff of Bishop Wellness Center (503-370-6062), the university Confidential Advocate (503-375-5361), and the SARA hotline: (503-851-4245), located in the Gender Resource & Advocacy Center - Montag Loft. 

Here is what you can say about your responsibilities as a Willamette University employee:

"It sounds like you are about to share something important. Before you continue I would like to let you know my limits to confidentiality. I will always do what I can to respect your privacy; however, I cannot guarantee confidentiality. If you would like to speak to someone who can maintain full confidentiality, I would be happy to support you in doing so and can help connect you to those individuals. If you would like to continue speaking with me, I may need to consult with others after this conversation and provide identifying information regarding what you have shared. Do you wish to continue?”

Listen without judgment

  • Believe survivors, regardless of their choices (e.g., dress, alcohol consumption, etc.)
  • Limit your questions
  • Offer compassion and empathy
  • Do not blame the survivor for what occurred (e.g., do not ask “why” questions)
  • Focus on a survivor’s experience without labeling or defining it for that individual
  • Leave investigating and determining facts to those with that responsibility

Validate feelings and reactions


  • Provide options about resources so that the survivor can make informed choices, DO NOT make decisions for the survivor


Willamette University

The Office of Student Affairs

Putnam University Center Third floor
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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