The resources are intended to get started looking in the right places for various kinds of travel related information - this is by no means an exhaustive list of resources. The Office of International Education does not endorse any resources below that may sell a service or product.

Remember to always look for student discounts on tickets, hotels and entrance fees. The International Student Identity Card can be useful, especially in Europe.

Government Services

Safety & Health

 Willamette resources:

  • Bishop Wellness Center - medical and counseling services to help you prepare for studying abroad and as you re-adjust to campus after study abroad.
  • WU Talk 24/7 telephone crisis counseling support - available 24 hours a day, talk to Masters and PhD level counselors familiar with Willamette resources.
  • Not Alone: Sexual Misconduct Resources for Students get help for yourself or someone else by reporting an incident of sexual misconduct (even if it occurred off-campus), learn more about Willamette's sexual misconduct policies and definitions as well as students' rights and responsibilities.
  • Confidential resources at Willamette - see this list of confidential resources you can contact at Willamette for support and to discuss your rights and resources related to incidents of sexual misconduct.

Other resources:


Travel Links

Travel Guides

Willamette University

Office of International Education

Global Learning Center
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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