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Paid Leave Oregon

Paid Leave Oregon is a state mandated program that provides employees paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child, a serious illness of the employee or employee's family member, or employee's that experience sexual assault, domestic violence, harassment, or stalking. 

General Information

  • WU has contracted with The Standard Insurance Company to provide a private paid leave plan that meets the requirements set forth by the State of Oregon. Employees will work directly with The Standard to submit claims for paid leave. 
  • State regulations are continuing to evolve, as are the policies and procedures necessary to  administering the Paid Leave program. Any new policies concerning Paid Leave Oregon, or current university policies impacted by Paid Leave Oregon will be updated as information becomes available. Employees will be notified of any new or revised policies before the expected program start date. 
  • The expected program start date is September 03, 2023.

Oregon Paid Leave Contributions

  • Contributions to the Paid Leave program will begin in September 2023 and are funded by payroll contributions.  Premiums will begin in September - September 15th for hourly employees and September 29th for salaried employees.
  • The payroll contribution rate is a total of .9% on eligible wages, with 60% of the contribution paid by employees and 40% paid by employers (as set forth in law). Contributions are subject to change in future policy years. 


  • WU is required by the Department of Labor to provide employees 60 days notice of the following change: Effective September 3, 2023, Willamette’s one-year calculation period for Family Medical Leave under federal and state law will change from a rolling backward year to a rolling forward year to better align with Paid Leave Oregon.

Additional Information

* Disclaimer - WU is providing a private paid Leave plan to employees through The Standard Insurance Company that is equivalent, but not an exact match to the Oregon Paid Leave program provided by the State of Oregon. WU's Paid Leave plan is a replacement for the State Paid Leave Plan and is the only plan available to employees through their employment with WU.  




Willamette University

Human Resources

University Services Building
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.