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Pregnancy and Related Conditions

Pregnancy and Related Conditions

Willamette University strongly supports the academic success of students and employees who are experiencing pregnancy and related conditions. University policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, or related medical conditions, and provides support, resources and accommodations as appropriate. If you are experiencing any of pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, or related medical conditions, please review the guide below or contact Human Resources regarding employment.

Guide for Students Experiencing Pregnancy and Related Conditions

Title IX protects members of the university community from discrimination based on pregnancy, or pregnancy-related conditions which include: childbirth, miscarriage, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, lactation, postpartum depression or recovery from any of these conditions, One of the Title IX Coordinator’s roles is to ensure appropriate supportive measures are in place that provide for students’ who, upon the recommendation of their licensed healthcare provider, need assistance in gaining access to their education.

Students experiencing pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions who are seeking resources, adjustments to campus life, accommodations, or support should contact the Title IX Coordinator. If a student reports a pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition to a University employee, the student will be informed of the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information. The staff or faculty member should ask the student if they would like the Title IX Coordinator to be notified. The Title IX Coordinator or their designee will reach out to the student if notified to share information and provide resources. Disclosure is voluntary and faculty and staff do not have to report to the Title IX Coordinator if the student does not want the pregnancy to be shared; this is the choice of the student.

Resources for parents, pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions can be found on the Gender Resource and Advocacy website.

Pregnancy-related Absences and Academic Support

It is understood that pregnancy can impact attendance and coursework completion. Title IX policy allows for pregnant students to have excused pregnancy-related absences that include medically appointed treatments, in addition to consideration for flexibility with assignment deadlines during pregnancy-related absences. Students may contact the Title IX Coordinator for assistance managing absences or coordinating late work submissions that may occur due to pregnancy or due to pregnancy-related conditions with faculty.

Students may also find that they have difficulty with their academic experience or accessing their educational opportunities based on a variety of pregnancy-related conditions. Common accommodations include added breaks during class, rescheduling of exams, parking assistance, a larger desk etc. Contact the Title IX Coordinator to initiate these discussions.

On-Campus Work Responsibility

Modifications to a students’ on-campus job role (such as sitting v. standing or exposure to chemicals) may be needed for students experiencing pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. The University will work with the student and their campus supervisor to review options. Contact Human Resources for support with any workplace modifications.

Right to Privacy

The University is committed to maintaining student privacy. Information about pregnancy and related conditions will be shared on a need-to-know basis or if there is a legitimate need to know. Information about pregnant students’ requests for accommodation will be shared with faculty and staff only to the extent necessary to provide reasonable adjustments or modifications.

Reporting a Concern

To report concerns about discrimination or harassment based on pregnancy or related conditions, contact the Title IX Coordinator. To reach the University's Title IX Coordinator, email
Willamette University

Division of Student Affairs

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Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.