RHA Elections

In the middle of the Spring semester, Willamette University's RHA holds Elections to vote in next year's Board of Directors. People interested in positions will have to create a Bid, submit their Bid to the RHA Elections Committee, and then present their Bid to the GA during Elections day.

Important dates for the Elections of the 2024-2025 RHA Board of Directors:

  • Bids Open: 3/13/2024
  • Bids Close: 3/24/2024
  • Elections Day: 4/3/2024

Next year's available positions are:

  • Executive Director
  • Director of Administration
  • Director of Programming
  • Director of Leadership and Development
  • Director of Communications/NCC

Please refer to this document for detailed information on the role of each Director.

Each position earns a Leadership Award worth $2,000 each semester distributed across two payments throughout the semester.

People running for a position must have at least one semester's worth of prior RHA experience to apply. This rule does not apply to Special Elections.

Elections Instructions

Step 1: Create your Bid

  • Everyone must create a Bid in order to present on Elections day.
  • The purpose of a Bid is to show to the RHA General Assembly that you are fit for the position.
    • Typical information found in a Bid can include information about yourself, why you are running for the position, your goals for the position, previous experience, and upcoming commitments.
    • View an example Bid. This Bid was made via Google Slides for the position of Director of Administration.

Step 2: Submit your Bid

Step 3: Attend Elections day

  • You must attend Elections day to be present on ballots.
  • Bids will be presented one after another for all positions. People will be given 10 minutes to present their bid and 5 minutes to answer any questions.
  • Once all Bids have been presented, eligible members will vote via a form of single-transferrable voting.
    • Eligible members include students of Willamette University who have attended an RHA General Meeting at least once this school year.
    • Eligible members must be present the entire time in order to vote at the end.
    • People who submit Bids may also vote if they are eligible.
  • The Elections Committee will supervise the voting process and count votes. The results of the Elections will be announced the week after it happens.
  • Further information will be distributed to successful Bids. Positions do not apply until the end of the current school year.

Special Elections

If a position remains unfulfilled after Elections occur, people may apply for the position via Special Elections. People will apply via Handshake. They will be contacted by an RHA Special Elections Committee for an interview. Afterward, the committee will let you know if your application is approved or denied. People who are approved through the special elections process will go through the same training that occurs for regular elections.

A person may apply for a position with less than one semester's worth of prior RHA experience through the special election process. If approved, they will have to go through additional training beyond the training that occurs for regular elections.


If you have questions, feel free to ask any member of the Elections or Special Elections Committee, or submit them to RHA's advisor at ndouglastavani@willamette.edu.

Willamette University

Residence Hall Association

Matthews 100 (during office hours)
900 State Street
Salem Oregon 97301 U.S.A.

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